
April 26, 2013

Pick a Peck of Peppers

Now for some current happenings...

Today I planted Kentucky Wonder green beans in the far garden where the lettuce was growing before.  I also planted a jalapeno pepper in the far corner.  I'm hoping it will get enough sunshine behind the tomato plant I planted last month.  I took out the sugar snap peas that have stopped producing much now that the temperature has been rising.  I also dug up the potatoes there.  They did not win out in the competition for sun with the peas and so only made about one potato per plant.  In their place I planted 2 hills of fall squash- delicata, one hill of tatuma summer squash and one hill of patty pan squash.  In a pot I planted a pimiento sweet pepper plant.  I've never tried this kind before and am hoping it does well.  The bell pepper I planted a couple of years ago it producing tons again but the leaves are looking really sickly.  I think I need to find out from our local agricultural extension what is going on with it.
The beauties of gardening! (Flowering dill)

Jalapenos always love our hot summers!

Swiss chard enjoying a bit of sun in its shady corner.

I think this is a beneficial bug?  Am I right?

I never realized that eggplant grows these thorns on it.

Blackberry season will soon be here!!

Why the mottled leaves?  Poor pepper plant, you have served us well!

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