
April 25, 2013

January Garden

And just because I want to remember what for next year, here's what my garden looked like at the end of January.  A few weeks later, we had lettuce coming out of our ears!!  I was giving it away.  By March it was covered in aphids.  I tried to wash them off but there were so many I had to throw most of it out.  I don't know if there's really anything I can do to deter them next year.  They didn't seem to be a huge problem until it started warming up more.  But I probably shouldn't plant lettuce in my far garden again next year.  I believe I planted oak leaf and a blend.  Also in this bed were broccoflower, carrots, beets and turnips.  The beets and turnips mostly just made tops.  The broccoflower was great but it took a really long time to grow.  The cauliflower was in my strawberry bed.  This was the first year I grew cauliflower that made a head.  I think it's because I fertilized it with an organic fertilizer a couple of times.  This plant actually made two heads!  Also, at this time in my strawberry bed my sugar snap peas were producing like crazy!

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