
November 14, 2012

Afterschool Pandemonium

Sometimes I need the 8 hours my kids are in school to pysch myself up for the few hours they are home after school.  Not that I don't miss them!  It's just that they've been controlling their urges and suppressing energy for so long that when they come home they go a little crazy!

Add to that the fact that we usually have soccer practice, piano lessons or cub scouts so I need to have dinner ready by 5 and we are all feeling a little rushed.  

Add to that an almost 2 year old.  (A 2 year old added to almost anything else usually equals craziness.) 

The sum of all this means that 4pm in our home is an exciting time to be home!  (That is putting it nicely.)

Maybe you've had the same experience?  Backpacks, papers, shoes and dirty socks scattered all over the kitchen, competition for Mom's attention communicated through yells, frustrated remarks that Mom can't answer more than one question at a time, tears, sticking out of tongues, pokes, kicks, etc.  My almost 2 year old is either clinging desperately to me while screaming over the noise or joining in the craziness.  

Then once homework is coerced out of folders, the test of focus begins.  If big brothers lay on the floor to do homework, little brother jumps on them and tries to start a wrestling match, which they are more than happy to engage in.  If big brothers sit at the table, little brother climbs on a chair and starts throwing papers on the floor and grabbing pencils.  Again, a wrestling match ensues.  That's when WWF Mom the Ref enters the rink.  (One of my many roles.)  And when I try distracting my 2 year old, it usually distracts big brothers away from their homework. 

Despite what some would think if they witnessed our afternoon today, things have gotten a little better since the beginning of school and I have learned a few tricks that I can share:

  • First and foremost, I have to be prepared.  Always an important skill to have.  If I have a yummy, and hopefully, nutritious snack ready and waiting that's one less battle to fight and I can get them to sit down in one spot.  I also have to be prepared with dinner- know what I'm cooking and either have it already started or something quick and easy planned.  And I know this is cheesy but I've got to have my attitude prepared and a smile ready to greet them, no matter what my day has been like.  A mother's mood is sooooooo contagious!  Sometimes this means I have to promise myself that I am NOT going to let them ruffle my feathers and under no circumstance will I yell!  And a prayer for patience is one of my most powerful weapons.
  • Let them get that energy out!  The days we walk home or ride bikes usually run much smoother.  Or I will let them have some down time, playing outside before I try to make them do homework.
  • I have to accept some craziness.  I may not like it but life does have it's crazy moments, especially with 3 young boys.  I try to enforce "inside voice" and general politeness and respect but a wise person once said you gotta "pick your battles".
  • Set the timer.  My boys are just competitive by nature whether they are racing each other, me or the clock.  Sometimes giving them a challenge to get their homework done in a certain amount of time helps them to really focus on what they are doing.
  • Last of all, I try to be totally present- physically (no hiding out in my room or trying to catch up on emails at 4pm) and mentally.  This is my time to be "at the crossroads" of my children's lives and I want to be aware of any hint of what my children are experiencing during those hours they are out of my influence and protection.  So I try to make myself really listen to them and hear what's important to them right now.

So, what tricks have you learned to combat after school pandemonium in your house?

1 comment:

  1. Love these ideas! After school is such a hard time of day. And so important too because they really have so little time at home during school days!


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