I've decided I like to have flowers among my produce when gardening. There's a lot of practicality to gardening but I also need the visually appealing beauty of the flowers. Of course flowers are vital to producing anything and also attractive to pollinators and other beneficials. So I make sure there's room to plant marigolds, zinnias, and nasturtiums with my veggies. Nasturtiums are tasty and nutritious, too! And are supposed to improve the flavor of tomatoes.
May 24, 2013
Fingerling Potatoes
I planted 8 fingerling potatoes that I got from the grocery store (organic) in a large container. It was originally a self-watering contraption that my husband and I made but the weight of the dirt and everything pushed the self down so far it covered up my watering hole. We probably didn't do something right. It's a great concept. Here's what I pulled up 2 weeks ago from four of the original potatoes! I stopped counting after 50!
May 01, 2013
I don't know why but I have always been kind of scared of growing carrots. I didn't think you COULD grow carrots in Texas. A couple of falls ago, I planted a few and waited and waited but nothing came up. About a year later I noticed I was getting a weed that looked just like a carrot top so I let it grow, curious to see what it would become. A few months later I pulled it up and there was a healthy little carrot on the other end! Ever since then I've tried harder to grow carrots. And I don't know if it's because my soil has been improving or what but I've had more success! This week I pulled up my finger carrots- I think I planted them in January or February. (This is partly why I'm going to be better about this blog- so I can remember these things.) Look how beautiful these babies are!!
They have a delicious, mild flavor. I had them planted in front of one of my patio tomatoes. Carrots do love tomatoes!
In other news, we had a good rain on Saturday and by Monday the squash and beans I planted last Thursday were peeking through. What a difference rain makes!!
They have a delicious, mild flavor. I had them planted in front of one of my patio tomatoes. Carrots do love tomatoes!
In other news, we had a good rain on Saturday and by Monday the squash and beans I planted last Thursday were peeking through. What a difference rain makes!!